How to treat insomnia through mainstream and alternative methods


Insomnia is a sleeping disorder in which a person is unable to sleep even at night. Insomnia involves a multi-faceted treatment approach where the person is treated with non-medical and medical approaches. It can be caused due to the heavy medication usage, if the usage is reduced or increased there might be a relief in sleeping habits. If a person is suffering from menopause, hypertension causing insomnia can be treated with basic non-medical changes in life. Mentioned below are some of the points which will guide you about how to treat insomnia-

Short term insomnia- If you are going through long travel and cannot cope up with the jet lag, you might go through the mild condition of insomnia. Work stress or frequent change in the mood leads to irritation and sleep insomnia. Change in the normal schedule or sleep deprivation for a regular period also causes insomnia. Unhealthy sleeping habits like using screens for a long time before hitting the bed. All these points mentioned above are the causes behind short-term insomnia and it can be treated with some basic lifestyle changes.

There are some treatment options available for treating both long term and short term Insomnia-

Sleep medication- Sleep medication works as a sedative for people suffering from insomnia. However, it shouldn't be consumed without a medical prescription.

Anti-depressant- It is provided when a person is going through insomnia due to depression. In such cases, the person is treated with mild depressants. Although, they cause occasional drowsiness and make the person sleepy during the daytime.

Relaxation- Some unhealthy sleepers just require a short term of relaxation. If you're undergoing continuous efforts of sleeping but results are zero. You must need relaxation therapy because the cause of your insomnia can be chronic stress and depression. Just go for these steps mentioned below and you're good to go-

  • Practice some deep breathing exercises like Anulom-vilom.
  • Maintain a spiritual routine where you could unwind your head and sleep peacefully.
  • Try and exhale through the mouth before hitting the bed.
  • Try and curb your breathing for a good 5 minutes and try exhalation and inhalation.

These steps will help you have a proper sleep routine.

  • Maintaining a workout routine- It's mandatory to have a proper exercise routine even if you're suffering from a mild form of insomnia. It will immediately improve the quality of your sleep and make you sleep faster than before. It generally makes your body active and by the end of the day, an individual might have an urge to take a rest.
  • Meditation- Giving your brain a pinch of meditation can help you rewind and unwind your problems easily. Performing mindfulness practices makes your body and mind full of energy and helps you have a proper sleep-walk cycle. It also enhances your REM which improves your dreaming ability.

Following healthy sleeping habits- Healthy sleeping habits like avoiding screens at least 3 hours before hitting the bed, maintaining a fixed sleeping and waking up routine can help you have a proper sleep in the night and it will improve your sleeping habits.

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